Thursday, January 6, 2011

Songwriter Journeys

Another day... list of beats...
naked pages... Bare music...
blank canvas... nameless...
and it's just us here.

Another hour... another note...
Are these the right words... what sounds better...
the fight between what sounds best.... and what makes the most sense...
senseless... speechless...
and it's just us here

sing?... or rap?...
maybe both...
timeless... fad...
today's music... tomorrow's music... yesterday's...
Let's just say it's old skool...
while it's just us here.

It will sell... It won't sell...
have we sold out?... Are we selling in?...
sell, sell, sell... demographics???
sell sex?... sell music?...
sell me?... sell her?...
love... dance... think...
love... dance... think...
will they love it... or hate it?...
will they hate it?..

in worst case...

just put Lil Wayne on it

they'll love it

but it's just us here.


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