Saturday, February 4, 2012

INSIDE the NEW ALBUM Isms & Ologies

As a release date is being decided for my up and coming album "Isms & Ologies" songs are beginning to be leaked and questions are beginning to fly. One of the biggest questions have been "why isms and ologies?" I want to take the time to explain the creative process and what people can expect from the project.

Isms and Ologies is a term used to describe all the beliefs and ideas man has generated to shape and explain the world around us. The term was coined by author Arthur Goldwag. I decided that I wanted this first project to take on this concept. I believe that reality is perception deep so I decided i wanted the album to be a compilation of beliefs and ideas that shape my world and thus becomes truth and reality as I know it. The songs state boldly "this is how it is" but has a very intentional naive undertone. This undertone is important as it keeps in mind that there is a greater world than that which is perceived in the content of the songs. 

My intent with each song was to generate quick photo-stills of the human experience by connecting to my own experiences. As you listen you will visit many dimensions of the human experience. Each experience will seem so different from the next that you will begin to think that the main character (the artist (me lol)) is either a walking contradiction or has multiple personalities. You'll be listening and ask yourself, "which one is Qwes?" By the last note we will realize that all of them are. RealISM and ideOLOGY tend to work together to shape our understanding of the world around us. When listening to the project as a whole, it will be up to the listener to determine what this compilation tells us about the human experience.

I am very excited about this project and I thank you for your support. Release date coming soon!


1 comment:

  1. This is so great! Congratulations on your project; can't wait to hear it.
